
Anti Ragging


The grievance procedure is a machinery to sort out the issues between student and college. It is a means by which a student who believe that, he / she has been treated unfairly with respect to his / her academic / administrative affairs or is convinced to be discriminated is redressed. It is a device to settle a problem. It enables to express feelings by initiating and pursuing the grievance procedure in accordance with the rules and regulations of the college. It involves a process of investigation in which ‘Student’s Grievance Cell’ enquires and analyses the nature and pattern of the grievances in a strictly confidential manner. Matters are disclosed to only those, who have a legitimate role in resolving the matter. Emphasis on procedural fairness has been given with a view to “the right to be heard and right to be treated without bias”.

The Committee aims at being a link between students, teachers and College administration. It is established to create a healthy and safe atmosphere for students of this esteemed College. We actively seek to address issues on student front. We acknowledge that in College there may be situations where individual student or group of students may have concern about the behaviour of others or the decisions of others or may have suggestions. Therefore, our committee promotes timely and transparent resolution of these issues/ suggestions in a confidential manner.

Grievance is any type of problem, concern, dispute or complaint or suggestion (s) related to academics or the environment, in the college premises. We work on principles including confidentiality, impartiality, sensitivity and timely and appropriate action. 

Scope: The students to approach the cell for their grievances regarding academic matters, examination matters, financial matters, health services, library and other services.

  • “grievances” include the following complaints of the aggrieved students, namely:
    • Demand of excess money other than that specified in the declared admission policy or approved by the competent authority to be charged by the institution;
    • Complaints of the students, from the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, Minority or Disabled categories;
    • Non publication of prospectus/broucher, as specified;
    • Denial of quality education as promised at the time of admission or required to be provided;
    • Publishing any information in the prospectus, which is false or misleading, and not based on facts;
    • Delay in conduct of examinations or declaration of results beyond that specified in the academic calendar;
    • On provision of student amenities as may have been promised or required to be provided by the institution;
    • Non transparent or unfair evaluation practices;
    • Non-payment or delay in payment of scholarships to eligible student that such institution is committed, under the conditions imposed by University Grants Commission, or by any other authority;


  • To formulate the policy to investigate and review complaints or grievances of students and faculties.
  • To create awareness of availability of members for students and faculties to report grievances.
  • To investigate the cause of grievances.
  • To ensure effectual solution depending upon the gravity of the complaint.

Grievance Redressal Procedure

The students have to place their grievances in the Grievance Redressal book placed at grievance redressal cell. The coordinator in turn intimates the matter to the committee for necessary action. Final report based on grievance received and resolved will be submitted to the Principal and further course of action will be decided and the same shall be intimated to the students

Students’ grievance redressal committee

As per the rules and regulations addressed by the AICTE / UGC / KGI, for student or other stake holders in a Technical Institution, “Grievance Redressal Committee” of Krupanidhi Group of Institutions, Bangalore, has been constituted with following Staff in different positions to enquire the nature and extent of grievance.

The Grievance Redressal Committee shall be constituted at the college with Principal, student welfare officers, deans and a student representative. Any aggrieved student may make an application to the Registrar at the Grievance Redressal Cell seeking redressal of grievance. The Grievance Redressal Cell shall receive the complaint and the Committee shall fix a date for hearing the complaint and communicate its decision within ten days of receipt of complaint. The Grievance Redressal Committee shall ensure disposal of every application as speedily as possible, as and not later than a month of receipt of the grievance. On the conclusion of proceedings, the Committee shall pass such order, as may be deemed fit to redress the grievance and provide relief as may be desirable to the affected party at issue. In case of false or frivolous complaint, the Committee may take appropriate action against the complainant.